Sisters Ellen Brown and Melanie DiCristino spent decades working in the financial industry while simultaneously searching for the right opportunity to combine their deep-seated love of textiles with their desire to work with non-profit organizations. On a trip to Istanbul, a chance meeting with famous Turkish artist, Ebru Uygun, enabled the pair to realize their dream. Ellen and Melanie were instantly taken with both Uygun’s story as well as her art, and knew that her creations would be the perfect first chapter of the ellebelle story. During an annual visit to Italy, Ellen met Rossella Ramanzini. Rossella is an artistic kindred spirit. She works in various mediums: she has designed furniture, painted and is now designing beautiful scarves. In keeping with the ellebelle vision, Rossella is dedicated to producing beautiful pieces that capture the essence of artists’ one-of-a-kind works. We are both happy and fortunate to welcome her to the ellebelle family. Through careful curation and hand-in-hand work with dynamic artists, ellebelle is elated to bring a captivating new aesthetic to the American market.